Josua Neudeck
Josua Neudeck advises on all legal issues in the areas of IT, data protection and e-commerce. In addition to drafting general terms and conditions and advising on IT project disputes, he assists clients on issues relating to the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition, he handles issues from private (plant) construction law and other related areas of law at the interface with IT.
During his legal clerkship, Josua Neudeck worked for an internationally active law firm in Tel-Aviv/Israel and for a renowned and nationally active law firm in Constance on Lake Constance.
Josua Neudeck joined the IT department of Vogel & Partner in Karlsruhe in 2019.
He is a specialist lawyer for information technology law since 2024.
Areas of focus/expertise
Josua Neudeck works as an attorney in the IT Law and Data Protection department.
His main areas of practice are:
- Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V. (DAV)
- Deutsch-Israelische Juristenvereinigung e.V.
- Lehrbeauftragter für IT- und Medienrecht an der Hochschule Karlsruhe, University of Applied Sciences, in Karlsruhe
Since 2023, Hochschule Karlsruhe, University of Applied Sciences
IT- und Medienrecht
Studiengänge Informatik und Medieninformatik (Bachelor)
- Studied law in Heidelberg
- Attorney at law since 2019
- Attorney at Law at Vogel & Partner, Karlsruhe, since 2019
Foreign languages: English
Björn Früh, Josua Neudeck
Trackingtod? – Apples neue Transparenzregeln
iX Heft 7/2021, S. 84
Björn Früh, Josua Neudeck
App Privacy Labels – Wie gehe ich als App-Anbieter mit Apples »Nährwerttabelle« um?
Datenschutz-Berater Heft 01/2021
Den Beitrag finden Sie hier.
Josua Neudeck
BGH und EuGH zu Cookies,
ITM-Podcast der öffentlich-rechtlichen Abteilung (Teil 2) vom 05.06.2020
zum Podcast
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