Dr. Ralf Klühe
Ralf Klühe specializes in IT law, digitalization and data protection law, as well as copyright, trademark and competition law issues related to technology.
He focuses on advising companies and public institutions that are confronted with legal issues related to traditional and agile IT projects, software and cooperation agreements, web- and app-based business models, Big Data and Digital Transformation, the protection and licensing of databases, intellectual property rights as well as other corporate know-how.
His focus is on comprehensive advice for digitization projects, from the design of contractual relationships with software, app and cloud providers and other partners, to the legal design of the user front end and digital lead generation, to the data protection of the entire project. The extrajudicial and judicial enforcement and defense of claims in the aforementioned areas are also among his areas of activity.
He can draw on his many years of experience as an attorney at one of the leading commercial law firms in Germany, as a lecturer at the HTWG Konstanz and as a member of the examination board for information technology law at the RAK Stuttgart.
Ralf Klühe’s clients include automotive companies, software and technology providers, service providers for web, e-business and digitalization solutions, advertising agencies, credit institutions, suppliers, specialty wholesalers, as well as some promising start-ups.
Areas of focus/expertise
Dr. Ralf Klühe works as an attorney in the IT law and data protection and IP and media departments.
His main areas of practice here are:
Case Studies
- Comprehensive data protection advice to an automotive manufacturer during the implementation and follow-up of the GDPR project (including review and design of numerous data protection notices in the areas of vehicles, connectivity, mobility services, web and app-based offerings)
- Review and drafting of various contracts for an internationally active project developer for retail real estate as part of a complex IT project for the introduction of a new project control and project management system
- Legal enforcement of claims arising from an agile IT project for a well-known provider of e-business solutions
- Comprehensive advice to a worldwide leading manufacturer of fascia and massage rollers on the development of an international web shop system as well as further web- and app-based business models in the areas of IT law, domain and data protection law
- German Association of Law and Informatics (DGRI)
- bwcon (Baden-Württemberg: Connected e.V.) – Special Interest Group IT law
- Association for Promotion of the Civil Law Department of the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law (ITM)
- cyberLAGO e.V. (IT Competence Network)
- Lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz on the business law course
- Lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz on the informatics course (Master)
Other activities
Since 2006 Member of the examination committee “Specialist IT lawyer” of the Stuttgart Bar Association
Wintersemester 2021/2022, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Wintersemester 2020/2021, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Wintersemester 2019/2020, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Sommersemester 2019, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Wintersemester 2018/2019, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Sommersemester 2018, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Wintersemester 2017/2018, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Sommersemester 2017, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik/Business Information Technology (Master)
Wintersemester 2016/2017, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik (Master)
Sommersemester 2016, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Vorlesung IT-Recht sowie Fallstudien Datenschutz und IT-Recht im Studiengang Wirtschaftsrecht
Wintersemester 2015/2016, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik (Master)
Wintersemester 2015/2016, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
Rechtsgrundlagen im Studiengang Gesundheitsinformatik
(Rechtliche Grundlagen + IT-Recht)
Wintersemester 2015/2016, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Fallstudien Datenschutz und IT-Recht im Studiengang Wirtschaftsrecht
Sommersemester 2015, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Fallstudien Datenschutz und IT-Recht im Studiengang Wirtschaftsrecht
Wintersemester 2014/2015, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Prof. Dr. Marc Strittmatter
IT-Recht im Studiengang Informatik (Master)
Wintersemester 2014/2015, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Uwe K. Schneider
Rechtsgrundlagen im Studiengang Gesundheitsinformatik
(Rechtliche Grundlagen + IT-Recht)
Wintersemester 2013/2014, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Uwe K. Schneider
Rechtsgrundlagen im Studiengang Gesundheitsinformatik
(Rechtliche Grundlagen + IT-Recht)
Wintersemester 2013/2014, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Lehrveranstaltung Recht
(Vorlesungsschwerpunkte: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Urheberrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und Recht der neuen Medien einschließlich E-Commerce)
Studiengang Kommunikationsdesign, 5. und 6. Semester
Sommersemester 2013, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Lehrveranstaltung Recht
(Vorlesungsschwerpunkte: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Urheberrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und Recht der neuen Medien einschließlich E-Commerce)
Studiengang Kommunikationsdesign, 5. und 6. Semester
Wintersemester 2012/13, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Lehrveranstaltung Recht
(Vorlesungsschwerpunkte: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Urheberrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und Recht der neuen Medien einschließlich E-Commerce)
Studiengang Kommunikationsdesign, 5. und 6. Semester
Sommersemester 2012, HTWG Konstanz
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Lehrveranstaltung Recht
(Vorlesungsschwerpunkte: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Urheberrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und Recht der neuen Medien einschließlich E-Commerce)
Studiengang Kommunikationsdesign, 5. und 6. Semester
- Training as an industrial assistant at Bayer AG in Leverkusen
- Studied law in Constance
- Doctorate at the Institute for Information, Telecommunications and Media Law (ITM) at the University of Münster (“The Responsibility of DENIC e.G. in the Registration and Use of Illegal Domain Names”)
- from 2000 to 2001, Legal Counsel at Nortel Networks Germany GmbH & Co. KG, Friedrichshafen
- Attorney at law since 2002
- Attorney at law in own law firm, Constance, from 2002 to 2004
- Attorney at law at Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (Service Line Intellectual Property / Information Technology), Stuttgart, from 2004 to 2011
- Attorney at law in own law firm, Stuttgart, from 2011 to 2012
- Partner at Vogel & Partner, Stuttgart, since October 2012
Foreign Languages: English
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Dr. Oliver Meyer-van Raay
Risiken und Nebenwirkungen von Cloud-Software
Computerwoche 29.09.2014
Dr. Roman Frik, Dr. Ralf Klühe
Nutzung von Kontakten aus sozialen Netzwerken während und bei Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses
Der Betrieb 2013, Nr. 21, S. 1174 ff.
Den Beitrag finden Sie hier.
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Dr. Stefanie Hellmich
Datenschutz bei Whistleblowing-Systemen
in: Compliance Report, Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Köln, Ausgabe 7/2007, S. 4 ff.
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Marcus M. Hotze
Fussball-WM 2006: Wie weit darf Werbung gehen?
Weitsicht Magazin, Arne Klett – Editorial & Grafikdesign, Esslingen, Ausgabe 4/2006, S. 9
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Die Verantwortlichkeit der DENIC e.G. bei der Registrierung und Benutzung rechtswidriger Domain-Namen
Juristische Schriftenreihe, LIT Verlag, Münster 2005
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Dr. Oliver Meyer-van Raay
Risiken und Nebenwirkungen von Cloud-Software
Computerwoche 29.09.2014
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Dr. Stefanie Hellmich
Datenschutz bei Whistleblowing-Systemen
in: Compliance Report, Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Köln, Ausgabe 7/2007, S. 4 ff.
Dr. Ralf Klühe, Marcus M. Hotze
Fussball-WM 2006: Wie weit darf Werbung gehen?
Weitsicht Magazin, Arne Klett – Editorial & Grafikdesign, Esslingen, Ausgabe 4/2006, S. 9
Dr. Ralf Klühe
Die Verantwortlichkeit der DENIC e.G. bei der Registrierung und Benutzung rechtswidriger Domain-Namen
Juristische Schriftenreihe, LIT Verlag, Münster 2005
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.